During my 45 plus years of clinical experience with individuals of all ages and functioning levels I have seen everything from a total “cure” to the problem being permanent; and everything in between. Resolution for social anxiety and related co-morbidity requires disciplined and intentional work. In fact, many of my patients who have done well in the program have said “it’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done”. Think of treatment as “cross fit training”.
Treatment is available for individuals with initiative for their mental health. This includes such challenges as public speaking anxiety, performance anxiety, and fear of being noticeably nervous as in blushing, hyper-hidrosis, voice freeze, and panic. It is also available for individuals without initiative for their mental health. This includes children, adolescents, and adults who are not launching due to avoidance and over-dependence. In these cases, please be clear treatment starts with parents.
Here is how it works. Call 516-872-9383 and leave your number. I will return your call asap. I do not text. You can also reach me at jbcsw@aol.com. Treatment is based on the philosophy that your most valuable asset is time. Avoiding phone tag is appreciated. We will need a few minutes on the phone to determine compatibility. There is a 6-7 week wait for the initial session.
Sessions are $260 for 30 minutes. In the first phase of treatment 3 sessions per month are needed. Sessions are online only. Insurance is “out of network”. Payment is via credit card.
High-Performance Therapy For:
Social Anxiety
Social Phobia
School Phobia
Panic Attacks
Communication Anxiety
Avoidance Dependence
Intimacy Anxiety
High-Performance Therapy For:
Fear of Public Speaking
Performance Anxiety
Blushing and Erythropbia
Sweating and Hyperhidrosis