Social Therapy and The Learning Disabled




Social Therapy and the Learning Disabled

A 2 ½ hour seminar for parents

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Are you the parent of a learning disabled individual?

Are you concerned about his or her social life?

Are you concerned about his or her “independence & survival skills”?

Adults often look back on their adolescent years with fond nostalgia remembering them as full of fun and camaraderie amidst a time of growth and change. For many individuals with learning disabilities and developmental disabilities however, adolescence can be a time characterized by crippling social anxiety, depression, debilitating self-image, dysfunctional social skills, and family distress. These problems continue into adulthood where they often worsen over time. In addition issues like over-dependence on parents, employment problems, difficulty with independent living skills and stress disorders, are factored into the picture. Because of their problems, these individuals are often ostracized from the mainstream of life.

This tape is for parents of a learning – developmentally disabled child (childhood-adult), any concerned adult, and professionals. Listeners will learn the basic concepts and strategies necessary to facilitate healthy social functioning for individuals with “social handicaps”. You will also hear from individuals who have conquered their disabilities and who live healthy and productive lives.

The workshop leaders are Jonathan Berent, A.C.S.W., and Eliran Eliaz, Ph.D., R.D.T.

Jonathan Berent, A.C.S.W., is the author of “Beyond Shyness: How To Conquer Social Anxieties”, published by Simon & Schuster. He is the Director Of Berent Associates Center for Social Therapy in Great Neck, New York. Having pioneered psychotherapy for social anxiety and related disorders, he has been featured extensively in the media including appearances on Oprah, Joan Rivers, CNN Medical News, all the major networks, and hundreds of radio shows. He has also been featured in Readers Digest, Newsday, The Boston Globe, and more. He has served as a stress management consultant to numerous corporations and organizations including NBC, Bankers Trust, Bloomingdales, and Technicon Science Center. He has created state of the art psychotherapy and social therapy programs for “special populations”.

Eliran Eliaz, PhD., R.D.T., is The Executive Director of The Friendship Foundation. He is a graduate of Tel Aviv University and London University. He earned his PhD from New York University. He has pioneered work in the area of drama and behavioral therapy, and has been practicing psychotherapy since 1976. Dr. Eliaz teaches at New York University. He has developed progressive programs for the learning disabled and is an expert in electroencephalograph biofeedback for Attention Deficit Disorder and related syndromes.

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