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Advice for my 10 year old shy son

Asked By: Anonymous     Views: 1,258 times

Hi, My Son is 10 yrs old and We were thinking he is just shy and will be ok in few years, He don’t even answer his attendance or his oral examinations at school and never talked to school teachers though he has 2 or 3 friends to talk at school.. Now teachers feel he is stubborn and adamant to answer the questions or attendance, As we know he is not stubborn or adamant we decided to take to a kids counselor to know what is all behind and came to know after few weeks of observations with my son and discussions with us, they told us its called selective mutism. He is very normal and talks to everyone at my home, with my parents, grandparents, my brother & brother-in-law etc., who are all close family members.. but he will talk to infront of any of our friends or other relatives, for past few months he is just whispers in our ears if he need to say anything to us or the friends or relative. I was researching on net on this and got into your pages. We met a Psychiatrists for assistance and he advised some medicines
  1. Meltolan 2.5mgs 1/2tablet at morning and 1tablet at night for 10days
  2. Mirnite meltab 7.5mgs 1tablet at night for 10 days
  3. Modafil Md 200mg 1tablet morning for 10 days.
Also advised for MRI-Brain and EEG.

My immediate response to the content in your e-mail is "wow" very careful! Given the content that you shared it appears your son has a typical profile of selective mutism. The school does not understand. And.... the psychiatrist is going in the totally wrong direction (for many my opinion) if indeed the profile is typical. At the same time "thinking that the child will simply grow out of the problem" is the biggest mistake that parents make rgarding social anxiety. I strongly encourage you to study the selective mutism content in this blog and at, and elsewhere.

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