Ask Jonathan
Bad anxiety in school
Asked By: Anonymous Views: 540 times
I’m 12 in the seventh grade and I get bad anxiety when I talk to people especially people I don’t know. When I get home though I talk more and I don’t freak out. And I don’t know how to overcome it. Its hard to talk to teachers and ask questions, so its making a big impact on my grades. How do I overcome it?

You overcome this anxiety when you learn to take risks and become more objective about the results of your risk taking. You are exaggerating what you think the response of people will be. You are probably spending too much time (in your mind with repetitive thinking-this is called obsessing) trying to formulate a "perfect" question. My instinct says that your sense of "perfection" is unrealistic. Presently you are frustrated and angry when you do not take these risks; when you are censoring yourself.. The unresolved anger is perpetuating your anxiety.I applaud your writing in with this question. Most 12 year olds would not do anything like this.
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