Ask Jonathan
Blushing Problem
Asked By: Anonymous Views: 1,655 times
I dont really have an exact date as to when i started to blush, but i do know i have suffered from it for a while now. It happens on a daily basis. If any attention is brought upon me even if its just one person im interacting with, I will blush. For example, today i was talking to a coworker just about how classes are going so far this semester and after about 30 seconds of talking i could feel my face starting to heat up. (the person i was talking to was a beautiful girl but that still shouldn't give me the reason to blush). Even if I talk to a good friend I will still blush. It doesnt happen towards every interaction, but it happens a lot. Dont even get me started on public speaking. Luckily enough I will be soon be finishing my senior year at the University of Central Florida without many presentations that had to be given within my four years there I usually try to avoid classes where I know there will be assigned presentations. Basically, I just want to be able to live a normal, day to day life without blushing. I am a very outgoing, personable, and social guy, yet, I blush way too much. It's starting to become a problem. I would just like so guidance from you. What should I do about my problem? I saw some of your responses to others regarding your free seminar. I will definitely be checking that out. But is there anything else, anything at all that you recommend? Any of your books i should buy? I heard your interview with Jim too on blushing. He seems 100% cured. What did you have him do?

Listen to the seminar and related interviews. Also, my book "Work Makes Me Nervous: Overcome Anxiety and Develop the Confidence to Succeed" spells it all out for you!
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