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CBT therapy! Is it any use for social anxiety?
Asked By: Anonymous Views: 1,818 times
I suffer from social anxiety, which has made it so that I've hidden in my flat for seven years, avoiding social situations like the plague & worrying constantly due to my low self-esteem. I now want to do something about my situation. Does anyone know if CBT therapy is any answer to social anxiety, I'm thinking of going down this road but do not want to waste my time if it is going to be ineffective!

Cognition (thinking) and behavior are very important dynamics to be integrated into any productive therapy. Afterall; everything does start with a thought. Cognition occurs at different levels of consciousness. The more that cognition can be brought to a conscious level the more productivty there will be. This said, any treatment for social anxiety that does not integrate core emotional work with an understanding of the physiology of anxiety (in addition to cognition and behavior) will reach the point of diminishing returns. While CBT has alot of utility for many problems, it is a tremendously over-used cliche as it applies to the treatment of social anxiety.
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