Ask Jonathan

Could social anxiety be hereditary?

Asked By: Anonymous     Views: 2,510 times

There is a genetic "predisposition" to everything. This includes longevity, aptitude, the color of eyes; certainly anxiety disorders. For example, approximately 90% of the families with selectively mute children, with whom I have worked, have reported that at least one parent has been challenged with anxiety. Be on guard with thinking similar to "I was born this way so there's nothing I can do about it". The issue, and challenge is to learn to compensate for the predisposition. There is an important saying; "You are as equal as you choose to work to be". I have seen everything from a total "cure" to the problem being devastatingly chronic, and everything in between. Whether the social anxiety sufferer invests in self-help or therapy important variables to consider regarding one' s learning curve for healing include motivation, reality of expectations, expressive ability, ability to "attach", ability to integrate new concepts, readiness to face fear, as well as, the length and severity of the problem.

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