Ask Jonathan

Enabling a child with Selective Mutism

Asked By: Anonymous     Views: 877 times

I am a lunch monitor and I have been cutting this little girls food up so she can sneak each bite into her mouth so no one will see her eat.  Am I enabling her to do this?

Thank you for your caring and interest. The short answer to your question is "yes" this is "enabling" behavior. This is because "enabling" is defined as any behavior on the part of caregivers that inhibits the growth or potential of the child. That said; I do not advise non-enabling strategies to be implemented in school without involving the parents. Non-enabling activates adaptation-stress for the child. This process needs to be methodical, coordinated, and organized. Fragmented approaches are "enabling" by themselves. The best of intentions can backfire without organization and accountability. When non-ebabling strategies are implemented in school, there needs to be a feedback loop between school personnel and parents so that appropriate support can happen.

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