Ask Jonathan
How do you speak in group discussions?
Asked By: Anonymous Views: 2,573 times
Whenever we have group discussions in class I get very shaky and I don't feel normal. I can't be myself when talking in groups of people at parties either. What can I do to cure this?

The word "cure" requires some rather deep emotional work based on learning self acceptance and learning how, in essence, to be yourself. Your starting point is to identify the messages/content in your internal critical script that translate into your belief that you "can't be yourself". It is important to gain insight as to how you learned this excessive script and belief. It's a good bet that you experienced accute levels of embarrasment-humilation associated with excessive nervous system activity. Achieving a "cure" or resolution also involves learning self-nurturing. This is a multi-dimensional concept of self-acknowledgement while promoting emotional growth. Listening to (and studying) the patient interviews at (many of whom experienced group anxiety) can provide insight.
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