Ask Jonathan

Increasing the natural child within

Asked By: Anonymous     Views: 1,240 times

I’m extremely grateful for the platform you have given all of us to express our concerns to you.  The resources on this website are invaluable.  In the DVD Social Anxiety The Untold Story, you talk about ways in which we can increase the natural child within the context of therapy.  Is there anything you would recommend outside the context of therapy?

The reference to increasing the "natural child" mind state in the DVD is not only within the context of therapy, but regarding life in general. The following are key dynamics-processes: The most important concept is that the "natural child" is "the truth of desire". Develop: ideas, discovery, exploration, creativity,attachment to emotions, joy, happiness, healthy sexuality, fun, pleasure, sense of humor, self-expression,and so on. Go mud wrestling! (joke) When the natural child is not developed the result is not only frustration, but anger at very deep, often not conscious, levels. See the reference to "Sarnow" in DVD. This creates a possible underlying depression or dysthimia. The process of natural child development requires the negotiation of anxiety and getting the critical script-adapted child reflex under control.

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