Ask Jonathan
Need help with Severe Social Anxiety Disorder
Asked By: Anonymous Views: 1,634 times
I am writing this on the behalf of my girlfriend. Here lately we have been having some troubles, she isnt wanting to hold a job or leave the house. She crys alot and has terrible mood swings at times and she is severely depressed. She just recently admitted to me that she had been doagnosed with Social Anxiety disorder in the past where she would have a job and then all of a sudden she felt like she had to get out and felt as if the walls were caving in on her. She also said that she had tried psychological help, meds, groups, seen a psychiatrist, and nothing seems to help. I am needing her to get in a better way so she can help me financially with our life…In todays society and economy it takes two incomes to make it. Are there any thoughts or solutions on how I can help her get over this…I feel as if she is an adult without initiative. I just need some guidence here I love her and just want to help her.

Go to (The Andrew Kukes Foundation for Social Anxiety) and get "Social Anxiety: The Untold Story". This 10 hour plus high - definition documentary and training film will teach you and your girlfriend the state of the art and science methodology for healing. This film will offer you themost guidance possible (other than therapy with me). I'm sure she never experienced this "process" in her previous therapies. You need to learn a role of "empowering" vs. "enabling". This film is currently being offered to the mental health professions for contimuing education credits at CMI Education. There are many patients (and professionals) who have particpated in this project (which integrates the most evidence based clinical success on film). Many of the patients who have "healed" will be productive role models for you and your girlfriend. While the AKF website is in it's beginning phase at this poin,t go to "contact" and tell them that I suggested you obtain the film and you can get it for $25.
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