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Need help with Social Anxiety

Asked By: Anonymous     Views: 551 times

I live in Salem, Oregon. I’m 33 years old and tired of living with social anxiety.  I have recently lost my family because of some of the symptoms and the way I am.  I need help really bad and I can seem to find any.  Do you know anybody in salem or around that is good and could help or the best way to start for help.

You have shared alot of content. Your statement "you don't want to hear what you have and the terms", is a critical injunction that limits my response. Therefore; I suggest that you learn about the five mind states that comprise the human personality and the personality types, within which, social anxiety is encased. In short, you need to lower your excessive internal critical script and the excessive adapted response to it. The way to do this is to increase self-nurturing, the use of logic and objectivity, and the process of exploration and discovery. See "Transactional Analysis". The personality types most common to social anxiety are avoidant, dependent, obsessive, and narcissistic. On a deeper level, understanding, expressing, and channeling anger into productive energy is the foundation of productive treatment. Often this "anger" is not on a conscious level. When the internal "critical script" is unrealistic with it's demands, it sets the inner "child" (mind state) up for anger, as well as rage".

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