Ask Jonathan
Physical symptoms of Selective Mutism
Asked By: Anonymous Views: 1,248 times
I have an eight year old daughter with SM and notice that she gets pale during an episode of misbehavior. Have you heard of this happening? I’m also wondering if nutrition is a part of this because afte she eats her behavior improves.

Your daughter's "paleness" is a component of her visceral response of discomfort, which is probaly associated with her being the focus of attention because of her "misbehavior". I would need more information regarding "misbehavior" and "behavior improving" to provide a productive clinical answer. Regarding nutrition; hypoglycemia mirrors symtoms of anxiety. You may want to check that out. Also sugar is the enemy because it worsens autonomic hypersensitivity. The challenge is that sugar is in just about everything and sugar is love!
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