Ask Jonathan
Resistant to treatment
Asked By: Anonymous Views: 1,083 times
How common is it when someone has been treated for social anxiety for upwards of 8 years to not have improved very much, and what are the percentages of people being treated that fall into this category?
Let me answer your question this way: In order for a person to stay in treatment for 8 years with no progress I would need to “process” the following primary variables to give you a productive respons: What other co-morbid conditions are present? What is the “quality” of the therapist? What “enabling” influences are present? What is the motivation reality of the patient? While I don’t have exact statistics, please keep in mind that social anxiety is the quintessential disease of resistance. From my perspective, and in my opinion, most sufferers do not seek help because of embarrassment and shame. Most, who do go for help do not get productive help. Most social anxiety sufferers have unrealistic expectations about the healing process.
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