Ask Jonathan
Daughter’s shyness
Asked By: Anonymous Views: 1,568 times
My daughter is shy and withdrawn at school to the point that her peers think she is being rude. She also seems afraid to respond to people in public (waiters, etc.) At home she is lively and talkative. She has been diagnosed with ADD non-hyperactivity. It is getting worse. What are some strategies I can use with her?
You are describing a very common profile. It’s a bit too easy to diagnose with ADD and hyperactivity. If it’s there you need to be clear on other dynamics (and if it’s not there): anxiety-avoidance-dependence-detachment. “Beyond Shyness: How to Conquer Social Anxieties” (Simon & Schuster) will teach you a comprehensive self help strategy for the dependent with social anxiety and no "initiative".
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