Ask Jonathan
Trembling problem
Asked By: Anonymous Views: 1,406 times
I’m 21 and I have social anxiety since childhood.I always thought that I’m just a shy person but things got worse when I entered a college. I can’t say something in front of the class,when teacher asks a question I can’t just raise my hand and answer it. I experience palpitation and my hands begin shaking every time I try to say something,all my body begins trembling.And I’m afraid that everybody will notice it and will think that I’m freak.I’m start shaking even during communication with new people without a reason. I know that it’s ridiculous,but I can’t help myself! I don’t know what to do.

"Without a reason" is incorrect. There always is a reason. Educating yourself about this reality is an important part of any healing process. Your internal critical script is angry at your adrenaline. The anger is making your physical symptoms worse! A couple of months ago a patient that I saw 22 years ago contacted me. He was 17 then; 39 now. He suffered from Tourettes. It was horrible at age 17. He could not control his neurologically based tics in public. There was a tremendous amout of distress, anxiety, and social avoidance, along with shame, humilation, and the hyper-vigilant fear of rejection. Long story short; he went away to a short term residential program (at 17) and now has his tics totally under control. It s fabulous. The moral of the story is that when you learn what anxiety is, and develop skills for adrenaline control (and channeling) the sky is the limit!
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