Ask Jonathan
What is the difference between detachment and procrastination?
Asked By: Anonymous Views: 2,207 times
I suffer from social anxiety and I ordered Social Anxiety The Untold Story, and was wondering if you could help me differentiate between detachment and procrastination.
Detachment is the Doorway to Avoidance The social anxiety sufferer (as well as the anxiety sufferer in general) learns, as a defense mechanism, to disconnect from the discomfort of anxiety. To detach means to disconnect. The disconnect is from thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations. After all, why feel uncomfortable, thinks the SA sufferer of any age (at a conscious or not conscious level). Over time the process of detachment becomes ingrained. The more it stays the same the more ingrained it becomes. Often detachment is the result of the desperation not to experience the visceral response associated with embarrassment, shame, humiliation, and the loss of a sense of control and security. In section # 2 of the DVD the interview “Paul”-“ Successful Salesman” provides in-depth insight about the process of detachment. This is preceded by the interview with “Amy” who discusses her “avoidant personality”, which, along with avoidant behavior, is the result of detachment. She writes in depth about this in the book “Work Makes Me Nervous: Overcome Anxiety and Develop the Confidence to Succeed”. It is important to understand that in order for treatment, or self-help, to be successful for social anxiety, it is imperative for the sufferer to learn how to be comfortable being uncomfortable. The only way around this is substance over-dependence, which obviously, worsens the problem. This dynamic requires learning a “nurturing” interpretation of the adrenaline driven visceral response. You will learn this as you progress through the program.
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