Ask Jonathan
Why am I so afraid of most things especially failure?
Asked By: Anonymous Views: 1,290 times
I am afraid of losing my house, that I am not going to make it , a fear that my children arent proud of me , my husband was killed in an accident 10 yrs ago we were in a car accident, he died I survived. I work 2 jobs to make ends meet, its not enough. I am afraid of anti depressants . I have gone to my doctor he prescribed luvox cr and i am afraid to take it please help.

Anti-depressants, especially the SSRI family, can be a very productive therapeutic tool when used correctly. Correctly implies onging supervision and working on the deeper underlying issues. Medication can facilitate the efficacy of this process. SSRI's (luvox is one) can be quite effective as they work on obsessivesness, anxiety, and depression. Many of my patients report that an SSRI helps them not go to deeply into the recycled emotions which can be paralyzing. It may be important for you to "nurture" yourself past a possible stigma of taking the meds. This feedback, of course, is dependent on productive diagnostics.
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